Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Return of Da King

Well, not everything is music. I got the new Mark Leyner book, though I've not yet got a chance to read it. Who's Mark Leyner? Well, I discovered his high powered absurdist pop culture satire with his book "Et, Tu, Babe" back in the mid 1990's. Then I read some of his Esquire articles, and I even read "Why do men have nipples" which is the closest thing to non-fiction in his canon. So, I was happily surprised to hear he's got a new fiction out, called "The Sugar Frosted Nutsack". From the sounds of things, this time it's pop religion, reality TV and procedurals that gets his blown out hyperbolic satire. It should be good. I realize, I'm basically a hack journalist who's not even bothering to edit on this blog, but I swear, I've got decent taste in writers, and actually know that Leyner is, in certain technical aspects, a better Satirist than our esteemed Dr Hunter S Thompson.
So, give it a look-see, huh?

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