Saturday, February 1, 2014

I hope you like our New Direction....

First a quick programming note;
Be it hereby resolved- I now have three Blogs. This one, my personal blog ( no link. sorry) and now my "stuff" blog- I Can Save Everything . I do not expect you to be interested. Really. But, I am interested in that, more than this. Sorry if that offends, and I don't expect it to be permanent. Eventually, I'll want to talk more about music, or TV shows or books. But, right now? I'm feeling a bit like a Material Girl.
So as for music, I've been listening to the new LP "Pslip" by Sierra, "Universe" by Truckfighters, "Get the Hell" by Supersuckers and "Faith and Curses" by Coliseum. They're all really, really good. I mean some of the best stuff I've heard in weeks, and in Coliseum's case, best I've heard in months. It's not really fair to mention them, but not talk about them, but, like I said, my interests are elsewhere, right now.  Still, I'll try to talk about each sometime, soon.
As for TV, my wife has decided that she wants to binge watch a lot, lately. That's fine, but it means I've just been watching a lot of Sherlock, Dexter, and The Amazing Race, none of which I especially feel like talking about. Sherlock is an excellent, excellent show, but I feel like others have it covered. The others are fair, at best.
As for reading, really, mostly I've been re-reading stuff I've already talked about. Not much to say.

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