Saturday, May 11, 2013

New TV part Two

So, not quite a week in, and I've more to report about my adventures in cutting the cable cord, and joining the Internet TV wave:
It does feel better than the Cable thing. Absolutely, there are drawbacks. Live sports are hard to come by, and some of the payback in glitchy. Also,there are delays and lags, as well as a labyrinthian layout of content.  However, it's a lot closer to what I think we all want: a la Carte TV: Watch only what you want, pay for only what you're getting.  Like the rest of the internet, the amount of content is nearly infinite. So, if you look, you very well might find exactly what you're looking for. You might feel as if you have 'left the ranch", but I know that's an illusion- Netflix or Comcast, Viacom or Hulu- it's still a racket. Heck, Crackle is owned by Sony, and Amazon, is, well, Amazon.
I signed up for Hulu plus, Netflix, Plex, and I already had Amazon Prime. I also got Crackle, Nowhere TV, Havoc TV, Vevo,  Smithsonian, NBC news, CNN international, Fox News, and TED talks. That gives me literally hundreds of channels, and thousands of TV shows and movies- an overwhelming amount of content. I could watch my TV 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for the rest of my life and not catch up to that amount of content.
So, I'm saying so far, so good. I think I'm getting closer to the mission- which is still to find  culture that I can feel is mine.

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